V.S. Philosophy of control. Rostov-on-Don -- Taganrog: TSURE.
In the monography one of undeveloped problems of science tangent philosophical
bases of modern control is considered. The writer on the basis of engaging
a rich stuff parses different eastern and western concepts both theories
of control социумом and conduct of the person, in the basis which one
the different philosophical schemes and approaches lay, and offers an
original conceptual skeleton(framework) permitting to build the modern
theory of control by company.
It is designed for the science officers, experts in control, post-graduate
students, students of high schools and all control, were interested in
a problem.
Polikarpov V.S. Philosophy of safety. Sanct-Petersburg.
- Rostov-on-Don - Taganrog: TSURE. 2001.
In an essay one of practically not of designed problems of modern philosophical
and scientific knowledge - philosophical fundamentalses of safety of habitability
of the person and социума is considered. The writer on the basis of a
rich stuff parses different views of danger and safety - military, economic,
social, psychologic, information etc. - and offers a philosophical construction
of integral safety, in the basis by which one the triad of such fundamental
institutes of habitability of the individual and company, as morals, property
and authority penetrated by activity with its information highways lays.
The book is designed for the science officers, experts in safety, teachers,
post-graduate students both students of high schools and all safety, were
interested in problems.
Polikarpov V.S. A phenomenon of an autoadaptivity of the Jews.
Moscow - Rostov-on-Don: 2003. - 300 pages.
In the monography one of most interesting and practically not of designed
problems of modern science - cause of a unusual autoadaptivity such of
one of the ancient peoples, as the Jews is stated. The given phenomenon
is examined(investigated) on the basis of the theory of the is complex
organized dynamic systems with engaging of a rich stuff from a history
of world culture, that enables in a new fashion to evaluate the contribution
of the jewish civilization to development of mankind.
The monography is designed for the experts, teachers of high schools,
post-graduate students, students and all were interested by problems of
a world history.