1. Requirements to registration of article
2. Sending materials in edition and the publication of
3. Instructions on drawing up of the list of the literature
1. Requirements
to registration of article
1. Article should be prepared on a computer in text editor Word
for Windows. Height of symbols 12pt, interlower
case distance 1,5 interval. Font Times New Roman
Cyr. A working language of journal is Russian.
The text of article is typed with alignment by width and automatic arrangement
of carries. Parameters of page: the size 297 210
(format A4); the top, bottom, left and right fields of
2,5 sm, numbering of pages on the center above. The right page is numbered.
Volume of article no more than 12 pages.
2. Article should be carefully verified by authors as it is published
in that kind in what it is submitted in edition, and is not exposed to
proof-reading editing. Authors bear the responsibility for mistakes available
in article and typing errors.
3. The circuit of construction of article
(in the left top corner of the first page);
Name Middle initial Surname (Authors
on the center of page a fat font in alphabetic order)
The name of the organization (on the center lower case letters)
THE TITLE OF ARTICLE (on the center capital letters
a fat font)
The text of article.
The list of the literature (see instructions on
drawing up of the list of the literature)
4. To article are applied typed in separate
files: 1) abstracts in Russian and English languages in the size
no more than 10 lines; 2) information about authors.
At the request of authors, graphic files with their photos in GIF or JPG
format can be enclosed to materials. Volume of a file no more than 20
Kb. The name of a file should unequivocally define its belonging to this
or that author.
Structure of the abstract:
Surname and Name of authors in alphabetic order.
The name of article (capital letters).
The text of the abstract.
Information about authors, edition publishes on separate WEB page(in Russian
and English languages) under the circuit:
Surname, Name |
Year of a birth |
Academic status and scientific degree |
Place of work and post |
Contact phone, fax, E-mail, ICQ, WEB |
Scientific interests: |
Absence in the sent materials of graphic files with photos
of authors is understood by edition as unwillingness of authors to publish
them. In case the author at all does not wish to publish data on, on it
is informed in the covering letter with which materials of article go to
5. Figures should be made in anyone compatible with MS Word graphic editor
and are inserted into the text of article together with caption inscriptions,
whenever possible avoiding a flow of figure the text.
6. At a formulas typing the request to adhere to the next sizes of symbols:
Large index
Fine index
Large symbol
Fine symbol
7. The formulas numbers consist in parentheses and
settle down from the left side of page. Those formulas on which there
is a reference in the text are numbered only.
8. At typing article (in MS Word editor) it is necessary to avoid use:
- rigid hyphenation (at least to not put a hyphen);
- more than two space character successively (at the big shifts
use the tabulator).
Sending materials in edition and the publication of articles
1. 1. The prepared files should be archived by WINZIP or WINRAR
in one archival file and are directed to edition by e-mail to
the address:
The volume of archive should not exceed 180 KB (with photo of
authors 200 KB).
2. Articles submitted for publication in journal, pass reviewing (with
use of e-mail) in time no more than 7 days.. Reviewers
are the experts authorized by an editorial board. When the reviewer think
that the publication expedient, article is published in a future issue
of electronic journal.
3. On filling a future issue of magazine its firm copy for the Russian
Federation Committee of a seal and the Book payment is issued. Therefore
edition watches closely for observance by authors of the true requirements.
Articles with deviations from requirements are not publishing and come
back to authors for completion.
Instructions on drawing up of the list of the literature
In the list of the literature sources should be numbered strictly
by way of first their mention in the text. In the text, references to
the literature consist in square brackets: [1]. A sample of the bibliographic
Uzzerell U. Designing of optical systems. Moscow.: P.h. Mir,
1983. 225 p.
Articles and magazines
1. Kotenko V.V., Polikarpov S.V. Strategy of shaping of virtual
selective spaces of ensembles of a key at the information protection task
decision. Questions of protection of the information: Scientific - practical
journal./FGUP "VIMI", 2002. p. 47-51.
In books, works, collections
Rumjantsev K.E., Shkondina T.D. Detection of the non-authorized
access to fiber optical paths in communication lines // Radio-electronic
technologies o information safety. The collection of scientific articles.
Taganrog: Publishing house TRTU, 2002. 103-116p.
The copyright certificate, the patent
Popov D.I., Guskov S.V., Koshelev V.I. // Methods of an estimation
of efficiency industrial resources. Ampere-second. 1042163
USSR // B.I. 1983. N 34.
The dissertation, the author's abstract
Kuckushkin A.V. Distribution of ultrashort radiowaves above
earth surface at inversion layers presence and tropospheric wave guides:
. The candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Kharkov, The
Kharkov State University