about journal:
"Information counteraction to threats of terrorism" 1. The common information; It is registered by the Ministry of the Russian Federation on affairs of a seal, tele-radio broadcasting and means of mass communications (THE CERTIFICATE є77-6883 from March, 27, 2003) THE PURPOSE: Concentration of scientific practical potential in a direction of counteraction to threats the international terrorism. SPECIALIZATION: Information safety of the person, society,
the state in conditions of terrorism threats .
The employees of editorship. Director of edition V.A. DervoedScientific - methodical examination S.L. Balabaev Scientific editor I.E. Hairov Methodical maintenance N.S. Husainov Main Web-stylist D.G. Vlasenko Editor on Web-design A.M. Anufrienko Editor Internet A.L. Virt Editor of a site E.S. Litvinov Editor of foreign transfers (translations) I.B. Levenjan